Copenhagen Denmark / Dinamarca
- Sinopse Promocional
- Mizgin's stylish songs and personal interpretations of trad Kurdish themes meet Afghan tabla rhythms,Balkan tambourah, Roma violin and Nordic saxopohone. Warning: Emotional singing, effective and rousing arrangements and dynamic interplay will occur! A multifaceted acoustic music meeting with a fascinating vocal centrepiece, telling tales about life in our globalized world. Prepare for a vibrant concert with a gorgeous voice!
- Website
https://www.facebook.com/mizginozdemir.51/ - Link vídeo
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3weno2n7aI
Formação do grupo
- Vocal, saz (baglama)
- Mizgin (KUR)
- Tambourah
- Enis Ahmed (BUL)
- Violin
- Senad Shabani (KOS)
- Tablas
- Mirwais Ahmad Fedai (AFG)
- Soprano saxophone
- Anders Honoré