Oques Grasses
Reggae Pop
Vic / Espanha
- Sinopse Promocional
- After the tour Diga-n’hi com Vulguis (Tell it How You’d like), with more than 90 concerts, and the tour Living in a Holles, with more than 70 concerts, Oques Grasses (Fat Geeze) took leave of us with a spectacular concert at Sala La Mirona Girona overflowing. The Osona guys are preparing new songs for what will be its third album. They have prepared a preview of this new work with the songs Amiga de ningú (Nobody’s Girldfriend), Plora i Riu (Cry and Laugh), Fullar Sempre (Always Sheet), Fer-te feliç (Make you happy)and n Si un dia no hi som (If someday we’re not there).
- Website
http://www.fourni.org - Link vídeo
- http://www.fourni.org/materialoques.html
Formação do grupo
- Singer and guitar
- Josep Montero
- Bass guitarr
- Guillem Realp
- Keyboards
- joan Borràs
- Drum
- arnau Altimir
- Sax
- josep Valldeneu
- Trombone
- miquel Biarnés
- Trumpet
- miquel Rojo
- Sound cooker
- Guillem Bover